
I thought how unpleasant it is to be locked out; and I thought how it is worse, perhaps, to be locked in. - Virginia Woolf



I'm trying real hard to develop as a painter. Bad quality photograph. I have to admit that I'm not the greatest with a set of oil paints.

Rail shed.

A bit of inspiration for my narrative project and future projects.

Fine Art Practice - Narrative

I suppose this project explored how the process of finding and collecting materials were in their selves a form of narrative, whilst the finished piece was meant to allow people to project their own idea onto it. I wanted to create a state of curiosity and hopefully people wondered if their was a story behind it.
Slow progress.
I'm not happy with the roof, it looks like it could be from a Tim Burton film.
I'd definitely rethink the 'roof' if I did this again.
Sheds fo' life.

Salt Not Sand

As a part of my narrative project I looked at the simple idea of traveling from A to B as a narrative in itself.
To link A and B I had to draw a line.
A was pre-determined.
B was defined as the place that I happened to be when the salt ran out.
I killed a fair amount of grass in this experiment. Sorry environment.

Experimental 'Drawing'

We altered our concepts of drawing by experimenting with light as a media.
Purposefully out-of-focus coloured halogen lights.

Long exposure in a store cupboard of a strobe light. Only at art school...


A few images from my first year 3D project. An exploration of space. My interpretation was to begin with mental space which eventually led me to memory.
I used post-it notes excessively to keep track of my work and to remind me. I found that they're a physical representation of the transfer from the non-physical consciousness to a physical form. An independant form free of it's creator. The quality of the photos are pretty bad but I didnt have a digital SLR at the time


I'm a fine art student just starting the second year, exciting stuff yeh? I've got alot of stuff to upload from the first year, which will more than likely make you cringe from the poor execution/construction/concepts.